Laboratory of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Professor: Shuhei Kusumoto
Assistant Professor: Kazunori Hirabayashi
 In the Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory, we are conducting research to realize novel molecular structures, electronic states, and reactivity by exploiting the attractive properties of heavy main-main group elements and transition metal elements.
 In particular, we focus on the multiple bonding and electron transfer between carbon and heteroatoms and between metals and heteroatoms to develop new molecules and reactions. Recent research topics include.
 (1) Development and properties of Lewis acidic diborylcarbenes
 (2) Stabilization of low-coordinated main-group elements using p-donating ligands
 (3) Development of metal-ligand cooperative bond cleavage and formation reactions
We are engaged in research that contributes to the world through the development of functions and reactions based on orbital, bond, and molecular design.