Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Molecular Structure and Reaction
Professor: Reika Kanya
Associate Professor: Takuma Okumura
Assistant Professor: Jun Matsumoto
1. It is known that carbon nanostructures represented by fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, are sometimes generated through highly selective chemical reactions.  We are generating carbon nanostructures with various conditions of laser vaporization and CVD, and analyzing the generated carbon nanostructures by mass spectrometry, NMR, Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence excitation mapping and so on, and also performing in situ observation of the reaction via ultrafast luminescence imaging.  Our ultimate goal is to elucidate the structures of carbon clusters and the temperature dependence of their reactions and to verify the scenario in which they are growing and forming fullerenes and carbon nanotubes.

2. We are analyzing the explosive fragmentation of highly charged molecular ions, generated by the collisions of low energy highly charged ions, by means of position-sensitive time-of-flight measurements of fragment ions.  The purpose is to obtain information on molecular structures, including chirality, from the vector correlation of fragmented ions and also to elucidate the dynamics of collision and ultrafast dissociation.  We are also performing laser spectroscopy and collision experiments of clusters and large molecular ions using an electrostatic ion storage ring, in order to know their cooling process as well as the structures and reactivity of cold ions.
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